I started off by being the "family photographer". Any time we had family gatherings or events, I was the man with the camera. The collection grew to a point where I was storing countless images on the cloud. I love it. It is my passion.
I have had the pleasure of living in Manhattan for countless years of my life. It was love at first sight. Everything about the city excites me...culture, lifestyle, buildings, people, fashion...ALL OF IT.
So, I thought...why not capture the photography and essence of New York City and share it with the world.
I consider myself a "Lifestyle Photographer"; a genre of my own. One where culture is captured through the lens. Photos are not only intended for beauty and clarity, but to tell a story. This is my NYC story.
For daily content, check out @rockstarimagery on instagram.
Enjoy. And Welcome. To RockStar Imagery.